Controversial Pipelines Approved: Or Let’s Ignore the Facts
Mr. Trump has reopened the controversial Keystone and Dakota Access oil pipelines.
I have written on the Keystone Pipeline before and noted that it may not be as bad environmentally as proposed. However, there are certainly serious concerns that have been raised regarding this pipeline that need to be considered and of course, will now be ignored.
The Dakota Access Pipeline is a different situation. The fight is less over the pipeline, than its route. But as they say in the Whitehouse today, Dam the facts, full speed ahead.
When we see the impact of pipeline leaks, see the related article, why aren’t we more concerned about their routes?
As a last point, both pipelines have been touted as a means of increasing U.S. energy security.
That same claim was made about the Alaskan Oil Pipeline…yet, most of that oil was sold overseas for increased profit.
As we have continued to improve our energy efficiency, we have reduced our dependence on foreign oil. We have indeed increased output in the U.S. as well, but by reducing demand, we have a much greater impact on the need for more oil.
The only winners in this decision or oil companies.
Read the full articles:
Trump clears way for controversial oil pipelines
Canada oil pipeline spills 200,000 liters on aboriginal land