What Changes Mean for Development in New Jersey Highlands
By the numbers, the changes proposed regarding septic density appear to favor the changes. After all, it will only result in 12 percent more septic systems than currently allowed.
That is the beauty of statistics. But in this case increasing density of development in any way means more impervious surface in an area that by its nature is designed to protect water…and thus, impervious surface is by default, bad.
The unfortunate element in the argument our forth by those supporting the plan is that it is a money versus health issue. If allow this, farmers get more value for their land. If we don’t allow this, farmers are hurt.
When it comes to land protection, those in favor of loosening protections always propose this Faustian bargain. Why must it be this way?
Let me say that I think that farmers who have been on the land for many years should in some way be compensated. Why not use green acres funds and purchase development rights…Oh wait, the Governor has raided those funds for other uses…Hmmm
Let’s remember that once land is developed, we all lose. Instead of weakening protections on land, why not work to help those that deserve to be helped (not speculators by the way)… and still keep the protections in place.
Read the full article:
What a Highlands rule change could mean for N.J. landowners