Nuclear Power Pull Out by Toshiba; A Proof that we need to be careful what we wish for.
With Toshiba/Westinghouse pulling out of the nuclear power plant market, we see further proof about the economic failure of this mode of power generation. To be sure, there are a number of factors that contributed to this event, from Fukushima to regulations as they are applied in the U.S.
This is not about reducing regulatory standards. But the pull out may trigger the law of unintended consequences.
As noted, in the U.S., nuclear power plants must meet stringent safety standards. This is clearly a good thing.
These standards are effectively exported by the large companies that design and build such plants in the U.S. But with this pull out, state owned plants and companies (clearly a bad idea) can and may very well lower their standards for safety in certain parts of the world. That is clearly a bad thing.
Any ideas?
Read the full article:
The Murky Future of Nuclear Power in the United States
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