PSE&G’s View on Energy
PSE&G recently published a white paper on energy…I don’t want to spend much time going over the paper as it is simply too long for me to discuss in depth here. However, I did want to take a key set of statements from that paper as I see it…
“Moving Energy Efficiency from the Periphery to the Center
The fact is: Energy Efficiency is less costly and more impactful than renewables. Yet, while we set aggressive goals for renewables, we have only taken baby steps in the area of Energy Efficiency.
It is estimated that Energy Efficiency can deliver similar benefits as solar or wind at one-tenth the cost. We believe Energy Efficiency must be the centerpiece of a comprehensive effort to build a sustainable energy future in New Jersey.
The cheapest kilowatt remains the one saved.”
So what aren’t we doing more?
Read PSE&G’s published white paper:
New Jersey’s Energy Future