
Recycling Advocacy Could Die in New Jersey

I don’t usually write with such dire predictions, but right now, the future of our ability to advocate for recycling in New Jersey is in jeopardy. ANJR, the Association of New Jersey Recyclers needs new members and financial help RIGHT NOW.

Association of New Jersey Recyclers

ANJR is the organization that worked and help to pass the Food Waste Recycling Law……In fact, ANJR’s action passed the bill three times….The first was vetoed by Governor Christy. The second was CV’d by Governor Murphy. The third time was the charm.

The Association of New Jersey Recyclers has helped train EVERY Recycling Coordinator in the State of New Jersey…

ANJR has helped rewrite recycling rules to allow for more flexibility in running recycling operations. AND IT IS STILL fighting for this.

ANJR was instrumental in moving the plastic bag ban forward….stalled due to COVID – 19..but not forgotten..

The list is long…

But ANJR is in danger of closing this year if we do not get more members and growth…

We all talk about supporting recycling…Now is the time to take action…

Go to the ANJR website and click on either JOIN or DONATE Right NOW. The website is live with both the Donate and Membership buttons now accepting credit cards!

Given the response that my blog posts get on recycling topics…I am pushing for 100 new members to join today…If you can’t or don’t want to be a part of the Premier recycling organization in New Jersey…then donate…

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