
Let’s View Water as an Investment

We lose 30% of our treated water to leaks, we don’t replace lead pipes and we put off necessary rebuilding improvements. The questions raised by Jane Kenny and Mark Mauriello are both on point and very telling.

water cycleWith the legislature covering hearings on our infrastructure needs, it is important that they consider the “One Water” approach…that is, look at the water cycle from start to start. Yes, that’s start to start.

Water is a cycle. We have a finite quantity that must be used over and over again. Yet, throughout history, we have treated water for drinking as a separate issue from used water. It is time to rethink the world of water in a more holistic fashion.

We have a chance to make an investment that is shown to return more than 200% for every dollar spent, improve cleanliness of the water we drink and save energy at the same time.

Let’s do it.

Read the full article:
Fixing N.J.’s water infrastructure is not a cost, it’s an investment

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