
Apple Becomes a Green Energy Supplier

When she still worked in New Jersey, I had the pleasure of working with Lisa Jackson of Apple from time to time. Lisa was, and remains, a person who can take complex environmental issues and turn them into ideas that make sense.

Green Energy SupplierNow we see that Apple, where Lisa ended up after her stint at EPA…has implemented a solar and renewable energy program where they not only generate electrical power that they need, but buy it as well. To my mind, that has always been one of the potential beauties of solar power. Become your own power producer.

The most impressive element of this program is not that Apple is actually listening to an expert in sustainability from within, but that they have taken this concept and made it in the context of a business decision. Specifically, by becoming a green energy supplier, they are going to save money as well as generate clean power.

The decision means that they can continue to do well while doing some good.

Read the full article:
Apple Becomes a Green Energy Supplier, With Itself as Customer
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