Climate Change and A Sustainable Economy
Recycling and Waste Management
Environmental Responsibility meets Fiscal Responsibility
Recycling is more than a buzzword for the environmental movement. Recycling - of glass, metals, paper, plastics,
water and more - now represents significant cost savings to individuals, organizations and governments.
Don't Throw It All Away
Without a comprehensive strategy for recycling and solid waste management, organizations spend more for waste
disposal, lose significant recycling dollars, face long-term liability risks and devalue property. With today's complex regulatory environment and ever-changing waste and recycling statutes and regulations, expert advice and planning is crucial to avoid disputes, court matters and fines.
Recycling and Waste Management Solutions
A successful recycling and waste management solution balances the demands and expense of recycling programs
with cost-effective waste removal and disposal. DeFeo Associates utilizes years of active involvement in the
solid waste and recycling industries to create innovative asset recovery programs through its Waste Audits and
Recycling Programs.
Solid Waste Management and Recycling Audits
DeFeo Associates can identify hundreds or thousands of dollars in cost-saving opportunities with its comprehensive
Waste Audit Reports:
- Assess current waste volume and handling procedures, and project future levels and requirements
- Score current recycling performance and growth potential
- Review current waste removal contracts
- Evaluate staff and tenant needs and attitudes
- Research available recycling and removal options
- Calculate potential costs and projected cost savings of recommended action items
Waste Management and Recycling Program Development and Compliance
Implementing changes to solid waste and recycling programs can be difficult. Complex regulations, service contracts,
even employee attitudes can hinder the adoption of new ideas. DeFeo Associates has designed and successfully launched
recycling and waste management programs for both corporate and municipal clients, providing a variety of consulting services:
- Design efficient recycling and waste management programs or improvements to existing programs compliant with statutes and regulations, scalable to meet expected growth
- Develop bid specifications
- Negotiate or re-negotiate service and market contracts and leverage coordinated solid waste and recycling programs
- Provide in-house education and staff training
- Develop promotional literature for programs
For those clients who seek to manage or operate solid waste and/or recycling services or facilities, DeFeo can provide
time- and cost-saving assistance in addressing regulatory and performance challenges.
- Interpret and present complex regulatory issues and service requirements
- Represent clients before state agencies on acquisition and licensing matters
- Develop competitive performance specifications
- Determine value of solid waste operations for acquisition or sale
- Assess requirements and develop programs to improve efficiency and safety
All DeFeo Associates recommendations answer to applicable municipal, county, state and federal regulations, including:
- NJ Solid Waste Management Act (SWMA) (N.J.S.A. 13:1E-1 et seq.)
- NJ Local Public Contracts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A)
- NJ Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Solid Waste Regulations (N.J.A.C. 7:26)
- NJ Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Recycling Regulations (N.J.A.C. 7:26A)
- NJ Recycling Enhancement Act (P.L.2007, c.311)
Public Works Consulting
Today's budgets and shrinking public resources demand that public works and facility maintenance programs be run at
the highest levels of efficiency. DeFeo Associates' consultants have worked extensively with municipalities and county
governments to review and improve programs to ensure the most cost effective operations and highest rate of return.
- Improve public works efficiencies in street sweeping, road maintenance, solid waste and recycling operations
- Streamline facility maintenance operations
- Assess cost efficiencies across all public works programs for consolidation and shared resource opportunities
Project Spotlight
Recycling & Solid Waste Management
New Jersey Essex County Hub:
Is it all a Waste? »
Construction & Demolition Recycling Association:
Recycling Certification Hits the Empire State »
Maintenance Solutions Magazine:
Successful Recycling: Achieving Sustainability Goals »
The State of New Jersey:
Recycling & Conservation Consulting »
Pemberton Township Public Schools:
Recycling Education at Pemberton Township Public Schools »
Montclair State University:
Campus Recycling Program at Montclair State University »
City of Paterson:
Paterson Recycling Schedule »
Sustainability & Energy Conservation Consulting
Recycling, Solid Waste Management and Public Works Consulting
Government, Public Affairs and Education Consulting
Solid Waste and Recycling Investigation and Expert Testimony
Visit: for details
N.J. Recycling and Solid Waste Resources, Statutes and Regulations
The True Price of Reduction - Part I
The first part of this two-part series addresses the institutional barriers to successful municipal recycling by de-mythologizing and de-mystifying the cost of municipal recycling versus municipal refuse disposal.
The True Price of Reduction - Part II
The second part of this two-part article provides suggestions on how program coordinators can overcome the institutional barriers affecting the progression of a municipal recycling program.
The New Jersey Source Separation and Recycling Act
Governs solid waste management (storage, transfer and treatment) and recycling programs for NJ Municipalities
NJ Recycling Enhancement Act (P.L.2007, c.311)
Recycling funding through solid waste disposal and transfer tax
Local Public Contacts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A)
Governs municipal bidding procedures, bidder qualifications, purchasing agreements and contracts
N.J.A.C. 7:26
NJ D.E.P. Solid Waste Regulations
N.J.A.C. 7:26A
NJ D.E.P. Recycling Regulations
NJ Bureau of Recycling and Planning
Additional New Jersey solid waste and recycling guidelines and resources.