Cover Crops; Coming Full Circle with Sustainability
Every time that I write a blog post that deals with sustainability, I wonder if I am writing comments that resonate with business leaders. For many years, it appeared that there was a dichotomy between those that practiced sustainability and those that were of the opinion that those of us in the environmental field were nothing more than goodie-two-shoes with no business sense.
I am becoming more and more confident that this is no longer the case.
The article on cover crops is a clear indication that we are coming full circle with sustainability and business interests merging. Imagine (and my apologies for continuing a bad stereotype), a farmer running a business model on a farming technique that every major pesticide and fertilizer company would say is out of date…and wonder of wonders, finding that the simpler, non chemical laden technique of farming is not only beneficial to the environment, but to the bottom line!!!!!!
Congratulations to you for your hard work, for stewarding the land and for making a profit at the same time.
My how times have changed. Let’s hope that this model becomes the norm.
Read the full article:
Cover Crops, a Farming Revolution With Deep Roots in the Past
Limited free access; NY Times subscription may be required.
Interesting Times article – I wonder if Cover Crops are being used here in Jersey