New Jersey Governor Moving Open Space Funds
We have become accustomed to our New Jersey Governor moving and playing with what are supposed to be dedicated funds for years. Everything from Lead abatement to green energy funds have been raided and moved to plug budget gaps. It is a shame really, but not unexpected.
The latest move essentially shows that this administration has raided so much money from so many sources, it is no wonder that we have had our credit downgraded.
This latest move is almost comical. The management of the NJDEP, including the parks section, is funded by fees and fines paid to the Department. This has been the case for many years. Indeed, the entire Department is funded by the fees paid by all of us that use the Department’s services.
Why isn’t there enough money to fund management? Simply put, this administration has already raided those monies…
All of this reminds me of a great line from the movie “Dave” where an outside accountant is brought in by the “President” to help find money for a worthy program in the budget. The accountant says that if he kept his books like this, he would be in jail…
The sad thing is that these continued raids simply hurt peoples’ confidence in our institutions as well as hurting the programs for which the money was intended.
Read the full article:
Gov. Christie’s shifting of $20M in open space funds called unconstitutional