
Microplastics are Everywhere

This sentence says it all on microplastics. “The staggering amount of microplastics we found likely means that no river, lake or stream is safe from this increasingly common contaminant.” Franz Savitz, PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center. Let me scare you some more. Rutgers is now studying the impact on marine species that we consume….including, blue […]

Small Steps Are a Good Start at GWU

George Washington University is moving to phase out single use plastics. They are installing water refill stations and phasing out plastic bottles in vending machines; phasing out disposable service ware and other single use plastics along with taking other steps to be more sustainable. While this will not change the world, it will change a […]

It is Certainly Time

The attached opinion on removing the mobius strip from plastic is right on point. People are confused and rightly so. Recycling coordinators are frustrated. MRF operators are exasperated and the market is flooded with plastic that amounts to garbage. It is time to follow the Oregon example on a national scale and put a truth […]