
Take the Recycling Quiz

This article in the Washington Post has a great recycling quiz interactive component…If you can access it, see how you are doing with recycling correctly. As noted in another post….much of what you hear about recycling not working is simply inaccurate…Recycling works…if we put the correct things in the correct bin….

recycling quiz multiple choice exam

Read The Full Article Here:
You’re probably recycling wrong. This quiz will help you sort it out.

2 thoughts on “Take the Recycling Quiz

  1. ncorporating recycling practices into our business operations enhances our reputation as an environmentally conscious and socially responsible company. Customers and clients appreciate businesses that care about sustainability, and it can attract a loyal following of eco-conscious consumers. Moreover, recycling often sparks innovation within our organization. It encourages us to find creative ways to reduce waste and utilize resources more efficiently. This mindset spills over into other aspects of our business, leading to cost savings and operational improvements

    1. Hello Diana, That is so true. The key is to not only incorporate recycling practices into your business on the back end…but to incorporate sustainable purchasing practices on the front end as well…Closing the loop is critical and buying only those things that can be recycled is important..Thanks for sharing. Wayne

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