
Tender Bottoms in the U.S. = Deforestation

Ok, I bet that you didn’t think going to the bathroom could destroy old growth forests and contribute to deforestation, did you? Well, let’s take a quiz…


If you buy Charmin Ultra, Kirkland, Angel Soft, Quilted Northern or Up Up Soft and Strong…you get an F for deforestation according to a recent NRDC report.

Want an A? Buy Green Forest, 365 Everyday Value 100%, Earth First, Natural Value, Seventh Generation or Trader Joe’s Bath Tissue.

Why the difference in grades? The failing papers all rely on old growth or virgin paper with little or no recycled content. The A grades use recycled, real recycle…meaning post consumer paper….to make the tissue.

Amazingly, Costco, a company that touts its green credentials gets an F…

Why do people buy the failing brands? Well, after all we are tender in this country and we want the softest bits on our bottoms possible….I mean really, the recycled brands are fine…

So as they say in the one commercial on toilet tissue, toughen up America.

Read The Full Article Here:
The Unmaking of Plastic: These Companies are trying to Reinvent Recycling

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