
With a Focus on Good News….When People Work Together, They Can Change the World

Ok, maybe a small part of it, but a change is a change…and in these times of bad news all the time…..here is another example of what people can do to help the environment…

Nj Transit

NJ Transit had proposed a gas fired micro-grid. The gas would have come from fracking…which is a proven negative for the environment.

A number of individuals and environmental organizations objected. Well, never let it be said that the actions of people don’t change government! NJT just announced that the gas fired plant is shelved….and in its place, a renewable energy micro-grid with battery storage will be built instead. Kudos to all of the organizations that worked on this.

In these dark days of news…this is great news for the environment. NJ Transit will begin its move to be a leader in sustainable mass transportation. Well done to all.

Read The Full Article Here:
NJ Transit opts for green energy, ending plan for gas-powered plant

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