
So Let’s Just Get Rid of Those Pesky Endangered Species

Ok, here is the question…What is an endangered species worth? Wow…that is a tough question.

It seems that the super-geniuses in the you know who administration have a way of calculating that. All that they need to do is calculate how much money a company could make from extracting the planet’s raw materials and say that a given species represents too great a cost in revenue, thus it should not be protected. I mean really?

Ironically, the law protecting endangered species was signed into being by a Republican President, Richard M. Nixon…Another Republican President, Teddy Roosevelt protected millions of acres.

Now it seems that we simply don’t care any more about the planet unless we add dollar signs.

Sorry species, you cost too much…and by the way, I just want to add to those in Washington who are hellbent on destroying our planet, we live here too…

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U.S. Significantly Weakens Endangered Species Act

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