
Pandemic Not Slowing Down Extended Producer Responsibility Legislation As Much As Thought

As reported in Waste Dive and Enviropolitics, a number of states are still moving forward with Extended Producer Responsibility legislation. This is rather amazing news when we consider that people are still nervous about touching surfaces….(On a side note, the most recent reports on that issue are encouraging. It does not appear that Fomite transfer […]

New Jersey’s Senator Smith Takes a Large Stride Toward the Circular Economy

Last week, Senator Smith introduced legislation that would require manufacturers to include post consumer content in the products that they manufacture. Interestingly, the major producers of those products were not speaking in outright opposition. They hedged their bets with the hope of watering down the legislation and having a smaller percentage of post consumer material […]

Rethinking Recycling

As always, my old friend Chaz Miller seems to cut to the chase with his articles. His latest speaks to the issue of how we identify recycling…specifically, as we have talked about in this blog before, what are recyclables? The answer, as Chaz notes; they are raw material…nothing more, nothing less. It is time that […]