
Sheroes Stand Up

Our green building sheroes are being called on like never before to stand up! Stand up for what we believe in, stand up for others, stand up for speaking our minds, and stand up for paving the way for future generations of strong women. The building industry has a bright future, due in large part to the role women are playing and will continue to play. That is why Women in Green is gathering our green building Sheroes so we can stand up together for a brighter, more inclusive future on Thursday, June 18, 2020 from 3:30 – 5 PM via WebEx! Women in Green – what are you standing up for?


Our inspiring speakers include:

Opening Remarks + Q & A: Special guest Governor Christine Todd Whitman, Former Governor of New Jersey; former Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency; President, Whitman Strategy Group

Confirmed Panelists

  • Julia Gisewite, Chief Sustainability Officer, Turner Construction
  • Vlada Kenniff, Vice President for Energy and Sustainability, New York City Housing Authority
  • Amanda Nesheiwat, Deputy Director of Sustainability and Community Outreach, Hudson County Improvement Authority
  • Jodi Smits Anderson, Director of Sustainability, Dormitory Authority, State of NY
  • Faith Taylor, Clinical Professor of Marketing/Management, Feliciano Business School of Montclair State University

Draft Event Agenda:

3:30 - General Welcome
3:40 - Opening Remarks + brief Q+A (Gov. Whitman)
3:55 - Brief Introductions of panelists
4:00 - Moderated Panel Conversation (5 minutes of brilliance) - Sheroes #StandUP4:25 - Q&A
4:35 - Break Out Activity
4:50 - Report out on discussions + next steps
5:00 - Thank you + closing

Registration - OPEN TO ALL

  • USGBC Individual Members: $10
  • Non-Members: $20
  • Students: FREE

Register Today: Women in Green: Sheroes StandUP!