Environmental Consultant Speaks to Town Council About Waste Collection Options
BY Elise Margulis / TAPINTO.NET
Town Council President Tammy Williams introduced Environmental Consultant Wayne DeFeo, the Principal and Founder of DeFeo Associates, “a full service environmental consulting firm that provides clients with environmental expertise with a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability.’
DeFeo noted, “Prices are increasing between 33 and 150%. The record is 160%. Over the past three months, the numbers are going in between 54 and 80% increases in all towns.” He continued, “You collect solid waste twice a week, and that's luxurious in today's market. Many towns do once a week.” DeFeo explained that collecting solid waste once rather than twice per week wouldn’t decrease the cost 50% but would help contain costs.
Another expensive West Orange policy is its bulk waste collection program. DeFeo pointed out, “You have an extraordinarily generous bulk waste collection program, and we know from surveys around other municipalities in the state, less than 10% of the residents of a town use that service.” He added that it’s a high expense for 10% of the population to use it, especially because the price of fuel has increased.
DeFeo commented that many towns have stopped collection for commercial businesses. He also said that if cardboard and glass recyclables are mixed together, towns have to pay to have them separated. He said that West Orange’s recycling center is expensive to run.
He talked about the option of bringing solid waste collection in house, which would cost $15 million per year. DeFeo explained, “You currently pay about $3 million [contracting with a company]. He listed some disadvantages of townships handling their own waste collection: West Orange would have to find a place to park 30 trucks, would need to hire staff to drive the trucks and would pay more than the private sector does—$80,000 per driver each year. DeFeo told committee members that the injury rate of waste collectors is comparable to that of coal miners. DeFeo recommended alternating fiber and glass recycling each week, so the township doesn’t have to pay the garbage company to separate them and take them to different locations.
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