
Why Bother with Science When Politics Will Do?

environmental protection agencyThe AP has reported that, and this says so much…”the Trump Administration is mandating that any studies or data from scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency undergo review by political appointees before they can be released to the public.”

Am I the only one who sees a problem here? I don’t think so.

I understand that in the end it is political appointees that set policy. But this level of restriction is the highest that has ever been imposed on the EPA.

My favorite order of the administration is that the EPA has been told to strip mention of climate change from the EPA website. REALLY!!!???? Why not…an ignorant population can’t complain about facts that they are not given. Better yet, let’s simply give out Alternative Facts…(Tired of this phrase…I hope so..)

The prior administration in Canada forbid staff from even using the term Climate Change. Yes, not using the words will certainly help stop Climate Change from happening.

Read the full article:
Trump political team will review all EPA science

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