A proposal designed to increase Energy Efficiency in New Jersey Buildings
On January 5, 2015 the NJ Department of Community Affairs (DCA) has proposed the adoption of a rule proposal to update the New Jersey building codes from the current version (ICC 2009 version) to the ICC’s latest 2015 version with recommended changes. There is a 60 day comment period so comments must be submitted by March 6th, 2015.
This rule would change the building codes in this state which would result in new construction being at least 16% more energy efficient than they are today. IT is not a full adoption of the IGCC, International Green Construction Code, but it is a start.
Take a look at the proposal and if you get a minute, I urge you to send a note of support as outlined in the rule proposal. Anything that we do to increase the energy efficiency of our buildings reduces our need for new energy sources and reduces sources of pollution.